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Warszawa 13 months ago

How to get rid of bad fishy smell from the vagina?

Good morning. Since May every month and the last day of menstruation I have a bad fishy smell from the vagina. I had cytology, ultrasound and culture. Everything perfect. I had urine culture, everything was ok. I have been taking provag for a month and sanprobi ibs. I use sanitary napkins and only shower. He has sex in a condom. The doctor spreads his hands. Recently I took infectvagin and it helped. Now the gynecologist on leave. What to do. Ph I have 5

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

Fishy vaginal odor can be caused by various factors, such as bacterial or hormonal disorders, as well as reactions to cosmetics or clothes used. It is difficult to propose a specific method of treatment based on such a short description. If it is not possible to visit a stationary one, I encourage you to use teleadvice via, for example, the portal Gdziepolek.pl: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-ginekologiem Although the results of cytology, ultrasound and culture are fine, the fishy smell may still be present. It is worth continuing to cooperate with the doctor, and during his absence, you can think about consulting another gynecologist to try to find the cause. Here are some suggestions to consider: Continue with the recommendations: It is good that he uses preparations such as ProVag and Sanprobi IBS, which can support healthy bacterial flora and the digestive system. If Infectvagin has been helpful recently, you can use it too. ProVag: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/64895/provag-kapsulki/apteki Sanprobi IBS: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/69126/sanprobi-ibs-kapsulki/apteki Infectvagin: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/104401/infectvagin-globulki-dopochwowe/apteki Intimate hygiene: It is important to maintain proper intimate hygiene. Please avoid aggressive soaps and hygiene products that can disturb the natural bacterial flora. It is worth increasing the hygiene of the intimate areas using, for example, washing gels or liquids with a pH similar to the pH of intimate areas (5,2), which effectively protect the vagina against the attack of pathogenic bacteria, e.g.: Provag emulsion: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/89230/provag-specjalistyczna-emulsja-do-higieny-intymnej-plyn/apteki Plivafem B: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/62333/plivafem-b-zel/apteki Balanced diet: A healthy diet can affect the bacterial flora of the body. Introduce more vegetables, fruits and fiber into your diet, which can help balance your gut microbiota. Avoiding stress: Stress can affect the hormonal balance and overall condition of the body. Use relaxation methods that help reduce stress. Preparations containing lactic acid: Lactic acid is one of the ingredients that help maintain the proper pH of the vagina. It is worth introducing products that contain it. I enclose materials that may be of interest: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/higiena-intymna https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/infekcje-intymne https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/infekcje-intymne-jak-sobie-poradzic https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-przygotowac-sie-do-wizyty-u-ginekologa

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