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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Alux (Anonymous, 46.204.109.) Warszawa 13 months ago

I don't have a period of 27 days.

I do not have a period, I have 27 days until tomorrow I should have and I do not collect at all, I have a contraceptive implant but I never counted when I would get and a week earlier my breasts hurt terribly

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

To @Alux: If the test indicates no pregnancy, then there is no reason to worry. According to the implant leaflet, during its use, menstrual bleeding may change (e.g. delay) or not occur at all.

Alux (Anonymous, 46.204.105.) 13 months ago

Yes, it's about implanon nxt only if I can be pregnant I did tests came out negatively from the blood but I still do not have a period whether I should approach the doctor or what to do?

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

Thank you for sharing your case. Would you like to ask a specific question? You didn't give the name of the drug, but I think it's Implanon NXT. If yes - please read on. According to the Implanon NXT package leaflet: "Menstrual bleeding may change or not occur at all during Implanon NXT implant, it may occur irregularly, less frequently, more frequently, be prolonged or rarely very abundant. Based on the course of bleeding during the first three months, the patient can determine the course of the subsequent ones." I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/implanty-antykoncepcyjne

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