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krzysztof (Anonymous, 77.252.45.) Warszawa 13 months ago

witam.I take medication for hypertension and whether I can take a mace on ...

witam.I take medication for hypertension and can I take a terrestrial mace

3 answers

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

To @Mike: Tribulus terrestris contains active substances that contribute to lowering blood pressure and may be helpful in regulating it. However, I do not recommend using it on your own without consulting a doctor, especially if you are using antihypertensive drugs, because in combination with Micardis (as well as other drugs that lower blood pressure) blood pressure may be excessively lowered. It would then be necessary to modify the dosage of the drug used.

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Mike (Anonymous, 109.196.14.) 3 months ago

I'm joining the question
I take micardis 40mg once a day

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

Please specify exactly what medicines for hypertension you are taking.

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