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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Gosss (Anonymous, 5.173.89.) Warszawa 14 months ago

The urologist prescribed me the drug Silodosin, which is not indicated for women - could it be a mistake?

Hello, I have kidney stones and I am a 26 year old woman. I have an internal catheter inserted. I was very surprised that the urologist prescribed me the drug silodosin, which is not even recommended for women. Could it be a mistake? If not, what function does it perform in women and what can be the side effects of taking it over?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

The summary of product characteristics of Silodosin does not take into account the indication for use in women. Physicians who have clinical experience in the use of drugs outside the manufacturer's indications sometimes prescribe different drugs (or combinations thereof) for difficult conditions requiring an additional medical procedure. In this situation, I encourage you to contact your doctor to agree on the details of the prescribed treatment (mistakes can also happen). In case of any doubts, you can use the medical teleadvice on our website: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja I encourage you to read: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/metody-leczenia-kamicy-nerkowej

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