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szpiczakowy (Anonymous, 83.242.87.) Polska 14 months ago

Can a prescription and reimbursed Pamifos be issued by a family doctor?

Can a family paediatrician issue a prescription for reimbursed pamiphost?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

The family doctor can issue a reimbursed prescription for any drug, provided that he is able to reliably determine the patient's indications for prescribing the drug at a discount. For Pamifos, the reimbursement indications are "Malignant neoplasms - Osteolytic metastases in cancer". Therefore, a family doctor can expect, for example, an information card from an oncologist diagnosed with cancer and recommended treatment, or a card for diagnosis and oncological treatment. All details regarding the possibility of obtaining a discount prescription from your family doctor are best determined directly at the clinic. There you will get the most accurate information on whether your medical records need any supplementation in order to obtain discount prescriptions for Pamifos. I enclose additional information about the drug - prescription preparations can be reserved at GdziePoLek and collected stationary after presenting the prescription: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/59070/pamifos-90-iniekcja/apteki Perhaps you will also be interested in our studies: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/opieka-nad-pacjentem-onkologicznym

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