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maria (Anonymous, 185.174.115.) Warszawa 13 months ago

Is it possible to combine drugs Finlepsin, Rispolept, Tisercin and Relanium?

Good morning son is prescribed medication Tisercin Relanium ad hoc , Finlaspin and Rispolept takes in the morning half and evening half if these drugs can be mixed son has Autism with Aspenger epilepsy and schizophrenia is 21 years old medication takes as follows ; in the morning 2 tiserciny half rispoleptu and finlaspin at noon two tiserciny evening replay in the morning as he has tantrums then takes relanium , after what time are the side effects visible . Sincerely Maria

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

To @Maria: After each medication, side effects may or may not occur. The ones you quoted are extremely rare and if your doctor has recommended this course of action in your son's case, you should follow the specialist's recommendation. If anything worries you during therapy, you should consult your doctor. You may be interested in the content of our article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-bac-sie-dzialan-niepozadanych-lekow

Maria (Anonymous, 185.174.115.) 12 months ago

Good morning, the doctor prescribed a drug to her son called Haloperidol WZF 0. 5 in the morning, the son takes finlaspin and tisercin additionally in the event of a Relanium seizure, but it is about the merits of the case about the drug Halopelidol I read in the leaflet about the side effects of this drug, sudden death, cardiac arrest and other diseases that may be after this drug, so I am afraid to give it to my son to take whether my fears are right, I cordially greet you in advance, thank you in advance for the information .

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

There are numerous interactions between drugs. Of the most important - Finlepsin reduces the concentration of the active form of Rispolept by up to 70%, so the therapeutic effect may not be enough. In the case of the combination of Relanium and Rispolept and Tisercin and Finlepsin, a case of acute neuroleptic syndrome (fever, arrhythmias, motor disorders, impaired consciousness, acute renal failure, etc.) has been described. The son's reaction to treatment should be observed and, in case of alarming symptoms, consult a doctor. Usually, side effects are observed in the initial period of treatment - the first 2-4 weeks, however, side effects can appear at any stage of treatment. So if anything worries you, you should consult your doctor. Here you can use the teleadvice: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja

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