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Karolina (Anonymous, 188.47.122.) Warszawa 14 months ago

Are there no contraindications to combining Collagen KFD and Velaxin ER?

Hello, For some 5 months I take Velaxin ER 75mg, I also often go to the gym and I started to take collage with kfd, which contains MSM and frankincense resin extract. Are there no contraindications to combine it together? I also take magnesium, vitamin D and sometimes biotin. But I've been feeling strange lately and I don't know if it's a matter of what I'm taking or if I'm looking for the cause elsewhere. Thank you for your reply

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

As a pharmacist, I am not able to accurately assess your health on the basis of such a short description. I encourage you to make an appointment with your doctor who will adjust the treatment according to your current clinical condition. With regard to Velaxin ER (venlafaxine), it is an antidepressant. Taking antidepressants requires caution and monitoring, as they can interact with other substances, including food, increasing the risk of serotony syndrome. MSM and frankincense are not widely studied ingredients in terms of drug interactions, so it is worth taking special care when combining with drugs. Taking magnesium, vitamin D and biotin is quite common and usually should not cause serious interactions. Nevertheless, it is still important to give this information to your doctor so that you can more accurately assess whether there is a risk of interactions between different medications and supplements. If you have recently experienced strange symptoms that may be related to the medications or supplements you are taking, be sure to consult your doctor. The GdziePoLek.pl service also allows you to obtain a teleconsultation with a doctor: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja The GdziePoLek.pl service also allows you to book Velaxin ER in a selected stationary pharmacy and collect it upon presentation of a prescription: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/81652/velaxin-er-75-mg-kapsulki-o-przedluzonym-uwalnianiu/apteki?pvid=129123

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