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Janina (Anonymous, 89.64.5.) Warszawa 13 months ago

Do Yasmin tablets need to be taken to the minute?

Do I need to take Yasmin tablets to the minute? My regular time is 22:00, what if it happens that I take an hour or two late? Is contraception reduced?

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Daya (Anonymous, 109.143.40.) 7 months ago

I drink about +/- 4 days right as the spotting begins, that is, the beginning of menstruation.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

To @Daya:

This can cause disorders such as spotting or mid-cycle bleeding, so I wouldn't recommend shortening your break regularly.

Daya (Anonymous, 109.143.40.) 7 months ago

That is, can you always apply it on the first day of the cycle? Isn't that a problem?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

To @Daya:

You can start taking the tablets from the new pack earlier than after a 7-day break. This does not affect contraceptive protection.

This question should be directed to the gynaecologist who recommended this use. So far, I haven't come across any such recommendations, and the manufacturer only recommends the method of use, which I have quoted below.

Daya (Anonymous, 109.143.179.) 7 months ago

Thank you for such a quick response) and now how do I do ? I'm now waiting for my period while it's gone, if I drink again on the first day of my period and then continue at 8 so it will be possible, just since I didn't drink on this use I don't remember exactly on what day I took the last pill about 3 days ago, but it's not accurate. So if I start drinking like at first, can I do that?
Why, then, does the gynecologist say that the next pack should be drunk on the 3rd-4th day, as menstruation begins? Do they have two uses ?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

To @Daya:

Yasmin tablets should be taken on a 21+7 schedule, i.e. for 21 consecutive days
take one tablet a day, and the next pack should be started after 7 days Break. On the 2nd or 3rd day of the break, withdrawal bleeding begins, which may continue even after the start of the next pack.

Daya (Anonymous, 109.143.175.) 7 months ago

Hello, please tell me, I have been drinking yasmin for a long time, I always drink on the first day of menstruation, now I have learned that you need to drink the rest of the pill boxes only on the 8th day. But the gynecologist says that you should always drink on the first day. What should I do ?

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