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Livraison de médicaments sans ordonnance dans toute l’Europe.

Fréquemment commandés: boosters de puissance (sildénafil en vente libre), aides à arrêter de fumer.

VI (Anonyme, 83.26.108.) Wrocław 4 années il y a

Ai-je besoin d’une ordonnance du médecin pour acheter du Viagra?

Ai-je besoin d’une ordonnance du médecin pour acheter du viagra

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacien, Éditeur

1 année il y a

Vous n’avez pas besoin d’une ordonnance du médecin pour acheter du Viagra. Viagra Connect Max est disponible dans les pharmacies polonaises sans ordonnance: Viagra Connect Max contient 50 mg de sildénafil. Si vous avez besoin de médicaments contenant plus de doses (plus de 50 mg) de sildénafil, vous devez avoir une ordonnance.

Ali  (Anonyme, 89.71.216.) 19 mois il y a

Hey d’où je peux acheter vigra à Varsovie?

Karolina Zygmunt Pharmacien

4 années il y a

The medicine with the brand name Viagra is not prescription-free in Poland, but some other medicines with the same active pharmaceutical ingredient (sildenafil) are in fact sold over the counter. This applies only to the lowest available dose - 25 miligrams. Sildenafil in higher doses (50 or 100 mg) must be prescribed by a doctor.

Examples of over-the-counter brands with sildenafil that are available in Poland include MaxOn Active, Inventum, Maxigra Go, Mensil and a few others. They are usually available in packages with 2 or 4 tablets. They may vary in price.

You can use our website to check in which pharmacies in Wrocław (that are integrated with our system) you can buy these products. Sometimes, but not always, pharmacies also list prices - they become visible after you log in. Follow the links below to check the availability of each product:

The package size that you are looking for (2 or 4 tablets) can be changed using the drop-up menu below the map.

It is very important to read all the attached information (patient information leaflet and a special diagnostic survey) before using any of these products. For example, the information about MaxOn Active, its PIL and the survey that you should go through can be found here: If you don't speak Polish, ask your pharmacist or doctor for help.

Below I've listed some examples of counterindications to taking sildenafil, but keep in mind that it's not everything - the full list is in the patient information leaflet.

You should be very careful with sildenafil if you have heart problems. If that's the case, you need to consult a doctor before taking this medication. If you are being treated for coronary artery disease (also known as ischemic heart disease), taking sildenafil may even endanger your life. Sildenafil should not be used after recent stroke or heart attack and also in many other cases such as certain heart diseases, liver diseases, low blood pressure, certain problems with eye retina and while taking certain other medications. Speak to a doctor if any of these apply to you, as it is important for your safety.

On our website, you can also find a general list of OTC products which might help with erectile problems. The sidebar of the list contains lots of useful information on the matter:

Do not hesitate to ask additional questions.

Les questions et réponses des utilisateurs qui fournissent des commentaires sur les produits ne sont pas vérifiées pour l’achat ou l’utilisation du produit. Les entreprises commandent souvent des commentaires anonymes pour former des opinions positives sur leurs produits, ou négatives sur leurs concurrents. Par conséquent, laissez-vous guider par l’information contenue dans les réponses des pharmaciens en premier lieu.
