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Anna (Anonymous, 37.248.175.) Warszawa 15 months ago

Can bleeding that occurred two days before the 7-day break be withdrawal bleeding?

I had bleeding and abdominal pain, which always accompanies me during menstruation. However, the problem is that I take Levomine contraceptive pills and I have two more pills left before the 7-day break begins and now my question. Is it possible that this is bleeding that should occur from withdrawal? I would like to add that I took the tablets correctly and I reach for them for 5 months and so far everything was ok.

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

Yes - the appearance of withdrawal bleeding earlier than usual, that is, in the process of using active tablets should not be alarming. However, if the situation will also be repeated in subsequent cycles, then it is worth consulting your gynecologist. Because you use the pills correctly, the protection is maintained and there is no need to worry. You may have recently had an infection or been exposed to stress or climate change. However, as I mentioned, if this is a situation only in this cycle - there is no reason to worry, if it repeats, then please consult a gynecologist. Here you can use the teleconsultation: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja/z-ginekologiem

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

26 days ago

To @Sandra:

Brown spotting during hormonal contraception, occurring a week before the expected bleeding, can be a normal phenomenon, especially in the first months of use. Such spotting is often the result of hormonal changes associated with taking birth control pills. They can occur especially in the first months of using contraception, when the body adapts to new doses of hormones.

These changes are often the result of the body's adaptation to hormones. However, if the spotting becomes profuse, lasts longer or is accompanied by other worrying symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor to rule out possible health problems.

If you need advice from a gynecologist, you can use teleconsultations here:

Sandra (Anonymous, 46.113.8.) 27 days ago

Is brown spotting during contraception a week before the expected bleeding on a 7-day break normal?today I took the last pill and usually bleeding occurs on the 6th day

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