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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Kijo (Anonymous, 5.173.178.) Warszawa 16 months ago

How to properly accept Macmiror 500 Complex globules, if I do not spend the night at home, I have an all-night party?

Good morning I accept vaginal globules macmiror 500 complex, I have to take 12 globules every night. I'm already on 3 globules but tomorrow I won't be staying at home, I have an all-night party so how to do it? Skip one globule or take it for at least 5 hours?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

It is important to use medication as directed by your doctor or the instructions on the package. For Macmiror Complex globules, it is recommended to take one globule every night for 12 days. If you have the opportunity, you can put on another globule when you go to bed after the party. If you do not have the opportunity to take the globule at the right time, you can take it the day after the party if you are at home. Even if more than 12 hours have passed, if this is not possible, then please skip the globule and continue using as directed - overnight. You should also refrain from intercourse for the duration of use of Macmiror Complex globules. If possible, it is also worth waiting a few days after the end of therapy to be sure that the infection has been cured. During intercourse, micro-injuries and abrasions occur in the vaginal mucosa. In combination with moisture, these are ideal conditions for the development of pathological microbes, which can contribute to the recurrence of infection. Therefore, it is worth increasing the hygiene of the intimate areas using, for example, washing gels. During infection, it is also worth increasing the hygiene of the intimate areas using, for example, washing gels or liquids with a pH similar to the pH of intimate areas (5.2), which effectively protect the vagina against the attack of pathogenic bacteria, e.g.: Provag emulsion: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/89230/provag-specjalistyczna-emulsja-do-higieny-intymnej-plyn/apteki Plivafem B: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/62333/plivafem-b-zel/apteki The action and composition of individual drugs can be checked by clicking on Attached links on the gdziepolek.pl website, which also allows you to book them at the nearest pharmacy.

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