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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

kasia (Anonymous, 89.67.112.) Warszawa 16 months ago

Can a belly like a balloon be caused by the use of Sylvie20?

Good morning, I have been taking Sylvie20 birth control pills for 3 weeks. For several days my belly looks like a balloon, especially the lower part of it, it has doubled its standard size. I will add that this happens despite a balanced diet - I consume about 1600 kcal per day. Could the reason for this be these pills?

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

16 months ago

Bloated belly is a common symptom that can be related to various causes, including the use of contraception. Some methods of hormonal contraception can cause some side effects, such as bloating, although these are not common for all women. If the symptom you observed appeared at the same time as you started using the drug - there is a reasonable suspicion that the Sylvie20 treatment is related to it. Each body reacts differently to different methods of contraception, so it is important to find the method that best suits your individual needs and health and for this purpose - it is worth consulting the attending physician. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with useful materials in the topic: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-antykoncepcje https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/wzdecia At the following link you can check the availability of Sylvie20 in pharmacies in Polish and make a reservation at the facility of your choice: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/76334/sylvie-20-drazetki/apteki

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