Dexeryl (anonim, 81.158.236.) Łódzkie 4 lata temu

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Karolina Zygmunt Farmaceuta

4 lata temu

Our website is not an online pharmacy, so we do not sell or send out medicines or any other products. We only work with stationary pharmacies - with our search engine, you can check in which pharmacy in Poland you can buy a certain product. You can olso make an online (or phone) reservation of the product, but you would need to come to the chosen pharmacy and pick it up yourself.

In your question, you tagged Solcoseryl. There are 4 products registered in Poland under this name - 2 of them are prescription-only. It is important to remember that it's forbidden in Poland to sell prescription-only medicines by mail order. We elaborate on this in our article (in Polish):

The products called Solcoseryl all contain protein-free dialysate from calf blood, which helps regenerate skin and other tissues. It's mostly used to support the process of wound healing.

Solcoseryl in the form of ointment can be used to treat hard to heal wounds, burns, bedsores and certain other types of skin damage. It is prescription-free. You can check where you can buy it in your chosen area in Poland using the link below:

Solcoseryl in the form of paste is used to treat wounds and inflammation inside the mouth. It is also prescription-free. Availability can be seen here:

Solcoseryl eye gel is used in the treatment of eye tissue damage. It is prescription-only. Here is where you can buy it:

Solcoseryl in the form of injection is prescription-only as well. It can be used in different indications such as certain types of nerve tissue damage, problems with wound healing, diabetic foot, some types of skin damage. It is currently unavailable in Polish pharmacies - we will get information on the next restock date earliest in 2020.

Please do not hesitate to ask any additional questions.

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