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cały czas czekamy (Anonymous, 89.151.46.) Polska 14 months ago

There is any update on the availability of Cannabis Sativa L.,...

Is there any update on the availability of Cannabis Sativa L., Red No 2 (Spectrum Cannabis) ? Few pharmacies currently have a drug that is supposedly "reserved". It is a pity that you can keep artificially dried in this way indefinitely. And the 30 days of validity of the e-prescription are coming to an end. What happens in such a situation? Is the pharmacy obliged to dispense a substitute or arrange for the availability of the drug? Best regards.

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To use the herbs, you need a vaporizer:

Certified and affordable. This is a medical device. Use it as instructed.

Natalia (Anonymous, 31.0.62.) 13 months ago

10/23 ;)

Natalia (Anonymous, 31.0.62.) 13 months ago

mp291193 and what is your expiration date on the packaging because I 10/24 and everything is git. Maybe you are actually allergic or something wrong with the product..... If you have 30 g, open more than one box and compare how it will differ then something wrong.

mp291193 (Anonymous, 37.30.124.) 13 months ago

Hello. Question about allergy to a specific variety - Red no 2. Well, I've been a user mm for half a year. During this time, I tested various available species, of which Aurora 22% suited me the most. Currently, due to the lack of availability of this variety, I bought 30g Red no 2. Probably too hasty was a step because as it turns out after vaporization I begin to have allergic symptoms, such as runny nose, bloodshot eyes, sneezing, wheezing, which intensify with each subsequent session, and even after sniffing trgo colloquially called Lemon Skunk. Previously, I had such symptoms after consuming dried herbs of unknown origin, which was either moldy or watered with some pesticides, or soaked with some substances. I would like to add that I tested various droughts from Aurora, S-lab, Canopy growth, and only after Red no 2 there are the above symptoms. Could it be some kind of allergy to a particular strain? Citrus? And now I also have a problem what to do with this fantem, but I wonder more where such a phenomenon could appear? Dried food kept in its original packaging, purchased 2 weeks ago in one of the pharmacies in Wrocław. mail: mp291193@wp.pl

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 13 months ago

@tomjbi - the most in our country and not only (because this political swamp is so set at the trough around the world that sometimes you do not even want to take part in this circus) - nothing will change in our country, until we vote for the party - if we vote for a man, maybe this crap will be cleansed and will be more pro-human, and not pro-corrosive ;) probably since the PRL is 3 / 4 if not more at the trough is the same murders, /

tomjbi (Anonymous, 91.246.64.) 13 months ago

@Calineczka Calmer a little, vapuj the bush before writing comments :) I didn't mean to offend you. What you wrote is obvious and probably everyone who sits in the subject longer knows that in the end it is always about money, and Poland is a country of "drug addicts" (see the number of ads on TV). My point was that there is nothing wrong with commenting and writing what hurts anyone on a forum of this type. Everyone has the right to express their opinions, and these comments are certainly read by a lot of people (I think influential as well) considering the interest MM currently has. It doesn't start right away with protests. It is very good that we start with this type of entries and I ask you not to be a malcontent like most Poles (change is always possible) ;) Let us not be divided, but let us act together. As I wrote in another thread, I'm not going to advertise anyone, and as for the media, I mean the mainstream media, i.e. tv / radio / press - there you will not hear about these people soon.

cały czas czekamy (Anonymous, 89.151.46.) 13 months ago

@Jan A trip to a pharmacy 100km away and it worked. Still 1% > 0. It is enough to be determined.

Calineczka  (Anonymous, 46.205.140.) 13 months ago

@tombji venom in my comment? Take a look at what people write on this page. Unless you have a vision problem. Ok strike is beee because it will not bring results, but your idea of changing the government is brilliant. But you don't see it's about money, do you? What happened in the States when they legalized MM? The demand for painkillers immediately decreased, and as you know, Poles swallow it in ch. I do not see in the media that there are any movements in this direction, but maybe I missed something, show how our great activists are doing something to at least publicize the matter

tomjbi (Anonymous, 91.246.64.) 13 months ago

@TeHaCjusz It's hard to disagree, but the legalization team I mentioned is not only the left and the KO. Let us not put everyone in one sack.

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 13 months ago

@tomjbi - the problem is that not only MM we live, I will not vote for the Left, which tells the dyrdymały on other topics, ;) same KO - I already got to know them well;) As they say, you do not want to sleep from the rain under the gutter, especially the Swabian one - the Left and the KO would sooner sell Poland to a German than let them have a bush (who normal says that Poland should pay reparations to Germany from World War II? - read: Paulina Matysiak, you can see the line of reasoning, etc.). For now, there is no one to vote for;) So I choose, as always, from where I remember the lesser evil ;)

tomjbi (Anonymous, 91.246.64.) 13 months ago

@Calineczka That's what the forum is for, to write "farmazones". I don't understand why you have so much venom? Because someone wrote something that hurts him? A drop hollows out a rock and I think that sooner or later we will be able to organize ourselves properly. In another thread there was a question about a class action lawsuit and there will certainly be volunteers if the situation with the lack of availability of dried fruit continues. Picketing/protesting at the pigsty on Wiejska Street? With all due respect, but banging your head against the wall is not a good idea. Do you no longer remember the effects of the so-called women's strikes that went through the whole of Poland? None, except that "we fulfilled our civic duty" and Poland was loud for several weeks. The government did not do anything about the protests throughout the country (the law as it was is), but it has something to do as a few people on the cross will go to the parliament to shout about the lack of MM in pharmacies? :) Let us be realistic. If we want to do something about it, we need to change the government to one that will allow you to grow MM for your own use. There are already projects of this type in the Sejm, but the government has been keeping them in the so-called "freezer" for several years. There is even a team in the parliament dealing with the Legalization of Marijuana. The chairmen of this team are still actively involved in social media about legalization. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with their postulates and simply put a "cross" where necessary during the next elections - this alone will be "doing something to change the situation". Let's leave the pro-testing for the times when the government will treat the picketing of the citizens of this country with due respect. Best regards

TeHaCjusz (Anonymous, 188.212.135.) 13 months ago

@Calineczka - June 3, 2023 - MWK23 (Cannabis Liberation March 2023) - I invite all interested ;) www[.] MWK2023[.] .pl

Calineczka  (Anonymous, 5.184.85.) 13 months ago

When I see these comments of yours, I am overwhelmed with empty laughter. You write what a terrible government it is, how it makes patients into a horse. And what are you doing to change the situation? Are you taking out on the forum instead of organizing and going out in protest at the pigsty in the countryside? You will not do it because only the power in the mouth is. Nothing has ever changed since complaining. But this is our mentality, so either deal with it yourself or continue to write farmazony on the forum.

tomjbi (Anonymous, 91.246.64.) 13 months ago

In another thread, Mrs. Mgr. commented on accessibility problems and what they are caused by. There is also a video describing it. The government has medical patients somewhere M. For them, we are on a par with tracksuits burning legal highs. In this country, all you have to do is take heavy, highly addictive opioids/SSRIs (which doctors prescribe like candy and are available in EVERY pharmacy), or splash vodka every day and not worry about anything or anyone (life from cup to cup). Unfortunately, I have a few friends (until recently I could call them close friends) who "cope" with depression in this way (every weekend splashing to death), but MM is the biggest evil for them. Personally, I use MM for insomnia, stress problems and occasional back pain (computer work). I'm not going to destroy my liver with pills and become addicted to the worst possible opiate-based drugs. So what, since I've already been pigeonholed? Even by friends, which is just sad and shows how limited our society is. One "colleague" even called me a "junkie" because "legal junkies are also junkies" :) A "colleague" who every other day can drink 0.5-0.7 pure + 2l Energy and does not see a problem in it (drinking vodka or hard, the worst IMO drug is not "junkie"?). This is how MM patients are perceived in our country and this will not change soon. Backwater with us strongly. People pray to the tree (authentic), and as a cure for all diseases, including depression, they recommend to drink a cup with a brother-in-law or "go for a run". Depression? Excessive stress? Sleep problems? EEEE SON THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DEPRESSION, TOO MUCH INTERNET READING, YOU MADE UP YOURSELF, COME A BEER AND GO :)

receOpadaja (Anonymous, 83.20.250.) 13 months ago

It is impossible to imagine that people just because they are sick have to book and fly all over Poland for a handful of leaves at some abstract prices (as if there were very limited resources of this drug on the ground and it had to be extracted deep underground, in a mine, in the heart of Africa). A person is still in a panic whether it will be possible to fill the prescription or whether he will have to return to life with the disease or using other, usually less effective, often more expensive and more invasive and burdensome methods. Apparently, such a circus has been going on for over 5 years, which shows that no one takes us seriously and treats us as people who really need this drug only as if it was just a whim. Officially, they play such epmatic, wanting to fish garbage from the bottom of the ocean with their own hands and save all living organisms of the Universe (e.g. I remind you that not so long ago "for the sake of our health" we were forbidden to visit grandma / grandpa / dad / mom / children on Christmas) but when it comes to specifics even in very simple matters, it is always the same "this situation is unique", "You can't", "it's complicated", etc. poppycock. Fortunately, there are at least a handful of active people here who really have an idea and enthusiasm to at least do something / help if possible, thanks to you for it.

Jan  (Anonymous, 31.0.91.) 13 months ago

If the prescription expires and if you have it for a month, a new prescription is needed after 30 days. You could book yourself now you would enjoy Lemon Skunk XD

Jakub (Anonymous, 83.24.116.) 13 months ago

I am afraid that in this case the patient is on his own, unfortunately

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