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silverado  (Anonymous, 195.117.148.) Warszawa 14 months ago

How long does it take for Doreta to become addictive?

Is it safe to take Moreta for a while? I thought that I would not have to take this drug, but unfortunately - the pain in the spine is so strong that I have to.. Nevertheless, I do not want to become addicted. For now, I'm taking the 3rd day. The pain is less and I can function/work On the leaflet it says that the drug can lead to addiction. But I would like to know - what period is safe

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

1. Do the above-mentioned analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs interact with each other? - As a rule, several analgesics should not be combined. If you keep at least 2-3 hours between Diclac Duo and Skudexa/Doreta, nothing bad should happen. 2. Which will be better Skudexa or Doreta? - the doctor should not leave such a decision to you, taking into account that both drugs are strong, and additionally - each patient reacts differently to the treatment used. Skudexa is a combination of 2 substances with analgesic effect - tramadol (opioid) and dexketoprofen (NSAIDs). Dexketoprofen also has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects, for the sake of the anti-inflammatory component, in my opinion, the drug will act a little stronger. 3. the doctor on Sora pointed out that "diclac duo 150" is a drug that will break my stomach and he would not take permanently - as a rule, NSAIDs are not intended for chronic use for several / several years, they should be used as short as possible, in combination with the IPP drug that will protect the stomach.

silverado  (Anonymous, 195.117.148.) 13 months ago

Can I get an answer to my second question?

silverado  (Anonymous, 195.117.148.) 14 months ago

Thank you for your reply. I want to add something else: two days ago I landed on SOR - inflammation of the hernia of the spine in the cervical spine. After providing emergency help, I returned home. Next week I go to the neurosurgeon, although I already know that the operation will be for sure. The first aid doctor prescribed me medication, but I was so sore, in addition, the doctor on Sora also told me something about Doreta and Skudexa, so I do not know what is better. To sum up, my medications that I have prescribed for this spine: diclac duo 150 mg, mydolacm forte 100 mg, Doreta 75 or choose Skudexa 75. In addition to the above medications, he also takes Sulpiride teva in a low dose - 50 mg (in the morning) I wanted to ask first of all: do the above-mentioned analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs not interact with each other? Secondly, what will be better for inflammation of these hernias of the spine: doreta or skudexa - the doctor did not specify himself and said "you can take this or that"... Thirdly, the doctor on Sora pointed out that "diclac duo 150" is a drug that will break my stomach and he would not take permanently. Please help and explain how to take these drugs, because I do not know. I'm sore. I don't see a specialist (neurosurgeon) until next week and I don't know how to take these medications anymore. Urgent matter, thank you

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

The tramadol in Doreta is an opioid analgesic used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is a substance from the group of opioids that can be addictive. The time it takes for tramadol to cause addiction can vary from person to person. In general, the risk of tramadol dependence increases with prolonged use and increasing the dose of the drug. Addiction to tramadol can develop within a few weeks or months of regular use, but there is also a risk of addiction after a short period of time, especially in people who have a predisposition to substance dependence. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions regarding the dosage of tramadol and the period of time it is safe to use. If you have concerns about tramadol addiction or notice abnormal signs associated with its use, I recommend that you consult your doctor. At the following link you can check the availability of Doreta in pharmacies in the Polish and make a reservation in the selected facility: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/24481/doreta-75-mg-650-mg-tabletki-powlekane/apteki

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