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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Anna (Anonymous, 5.173.249.) Warszawa 17 months ago

Can I drink Nimesil if I use Paroxetine and Miansec? I have a broken arm

Good morning, yesterday I broke my arm in the superface, it was not put in my cast, I am to have surgery on Thursday. The hand hurts a lot if I can take nimesil when I take paroxetine 10 mg in the morning and miansec 30 mg at night. I feel very bad and physically and mentally I am afraid that I will not fall asleep without miansecu and without analgesic anxiety. I do not know which drug to choose. I am already after 1 sleepless night due to pain and strong emotions. Best regards.

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

17 months ago

Yes, you can use Nimesil at an interval of about 2-3 hours from the other medicines used. Another acceptable analgesic preparation in this situation would be Ibuprofen. Please use Nimesil according to the guidelines in the SmPC, i.e. a maximum of 100 mg twice daily after meals. As for Ibuprofen - please do not exceed the daily dose of 1200 mg. At the following link you can get acquainted with the availability of Nimesil in pharmacies on the territory of Polish, you can make a reservation in the facility of your choice: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/53354/nimesil-granulat-do-wytworzenia-zawiesiny/apteki?pvid=82810#stacjonarne You can also buy Ibuprom in online pharmacies as an option with home delivery: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/37115/ibuprom-max-sprint-kapsulki/apteki

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