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Aneta (Anonymous, 208.127.38.) Warszawa 16 months ago

What painkiller besides paracetamol can be used for erosion of the stomach?

What painkiller (headache), apart from paracetamol (does not work) can be taken while taking medication for erosion of the stomach?

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

With gastric erosions, the first drug of choice is paracetamol. Other over-the-counter painkillers belong to the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These are the preparations that most irritate the gastric mucosa. If paracetamol does not help, please first verify that the dosage of the drug is not too small. Paracetamol can be used at a maximum dose of 4g per day. An example dosage is 4 x 2 tablets. (500mg) every 4-6h. If you used the maximum doses of the drug and did not bring effect in order to choose the right analgesic, you should contact your doctor. Based on your health condition and treatment history, he will assess what measures to take to make the possible use of NSAIDs possible in your case or select a preparation from the group of prescription drugs, the use of which in your case will be safe. Through Gdziepolek it is possible to take advantage of teleconsultation: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja We wrote more about painkillers here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jakie-leki-przeciwbolowe-stosowac

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