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Ewa  (Anonymous, 5.173.130.) Warszawa 17 months ago

Is itching, redness and white, watery mucus after treatment with Macmiror Complex a recurrence of an intimate infection?
19.99 zł

I used macmiror complex 500 for 14 days. After a week of completing the treatment, there is still redness of the vagina and sometimes slight itching. At the moment I use the probiotic lactovaginal, the mucus is white, watery. Is it a recurrence of the infection, ineffective treatment and how should I proceed?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

If you still have symptoms of infection, you should go to your gynecologist - he or she can take a vaginal swab to identify the specific type of bacteria, fungi or other microbes causing the infection and determine which medicine will be effective in this case. It is also worth noting that white, watery mucus does not necessarily indicate infection - white coloration may result from the use of vaginal probiotics. Redness and slight itching of the vagina may also result from the use of a probiotic - the preparation can be discontinued to exclude the likelihood that this is a side effect of its use. To relieve itching and redness, an intimate gel with lactic acid, such as Feminum, can be used. For better results, the gel can be cooled in the refrigerator before application. Below is a link where you can compare the prices of the gel in online pharmacies and order with home delivery or collection at the selected pharmacy: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/29441/feminum-zel/apteki I also attach helpful materials about intimate infections - how to recognize and treat them: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/infekcje-intymne https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/infekcje-intymne-jak-sobie-poradzic

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