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Betixa (Anonymous, 164.127.215.) Warszawa 17 months ago

Does a TSH score below 2.5 after using Letrox indicate hypothyroidism?

I have suspected hypothyroidism, my family doctor prescribed me Letrox and I take this medicine, currently at a dose of 50 micrograms a day. If the TSH came out normal (below 2.5, according to the norm in women of childbearing age) thanks to taking Letrox, does it mean that I have 100% of this hypothyroidism?

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

On the forum Gdziepolek answers are provided by pharmacists. The interpretation of test results and diagnostics is carried out by the doctor. For my part, I can add that when diagnosing thyroid diseases, more parameters than just TSH are taken into account. TSH is a preliminary assessment study. If the result deviates from the norm, then the diagnosis is extended with additional tests (FT3 and FT4, thyroid ultrasound, serum antithyroid antibodies). In order to interpret the test results after treatment, you should see a doctor. Through Gdziepolek there is a possibility to take advantage of teleconsultation: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/telekonsultacja I encourage you to read the helpful materials: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-niedoczynnosc-tarczycy

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