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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Janusz  (Anonymous, 77.23.191.) Warszawa 17 months ago

Which do you prefer Aurora 20/1 or Red No 2?

What do you prefer: Aurora 20/1 or Red no 2 ??? Please honest opinions because I am before my first purchase of medical mj.. I greet and wish you health

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dziwna sprawa (Anonymous, 62.122.118.) 16 months ago

Both raw materials of good quality, however, are two different drugs. Red no. 2 (lemon skunk) at the beginning has a slightly stimulating effect, after some time it turns into relaxation. On the other hand, Aurora 20 (LA Confidential) puts you to sleep and improves your appetite (but red also improves), but it also works on the head.

MCin (Anonymous, 89.64.55.) 17 months ago

These are two completely different drugs. Aurora 20 worked brilliantly for me to sit at home and the proverbial silting, while after the roadstead activity outside the home.

Albert (Anonymous, 31.60.64.) 17 months ago

Subjectively because I'm not an expert: for me Red no 2 thousand times better. After a20 I have fears and paranoia and I feel cold. The A20 should be called "schizophrenia simulator" and not "la confidential". After the roadstead I feel warm and gives me courage. Best regards. P.s. There can be something different for everyone.

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