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Arek (Anonymous, 94.254.185.) Polska 17 months ago

How to fill a prescription for Cannabis Flos THC 20% CBD 1% (Aurora)?

When is the delivery of Aurora 20 ? Before the picnic I got a prescription because there was a delivery and I see that there is no longer in my city. It is a mockery of what is happening, that every now and then there are no medicines in pharmacies and alcohol is full shelves. Since the Polish state prevents me from treatment, I will be forced to buy seeds and take care of my health myself.

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Kasjer czy aptekarz?  (Anonymous, 5.173.132.) 17 months ago

@Bartosz apparently misused MM if you write such things. All these things that you described should be practiced by every healthy person, apparently you missed it, and you thought that you only treat yourself using marijuana - a mistake on the part of the doctor and yours.

Bartosz (Anonymous, 37.248.164.) 17 months ago

Jo drug the same drug as this alcohol on the shelves in the store hahah. I am glad that I stopped the withdrawal symptoms after a year are tragic, I felt bad, strange mental states. It's a drug, and these fairy tales that it cures anything can be put in a corner. Good diet, juices, fresh air, physical activity, THC couch, lack of desire for anything without it senseless + punching money to the Germans ....

chaos (Anonymous, 62.122.118.) 17 months ago

And what if there is no "friendly" pharmacy, because all of them employ pharmacists who do not know about MM? Drought disappears so quickly that it's hard to grasp what to take a prescription for during a visit. There is chaos, injustice in deliveries (eastern Poland is discriminated against, it gets too little MM), chain stores with their systems have led to domination, which leads to higher prices. If something does not change, the treatment of MM in Poland will be for the chosen ones.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

17 months ago

Unfortunately, due to the huge interest of patients, dried herbs disappear from pharmacies very quickly. Please contact your befriended pharmacy and ask to send the requisition to the wholesaler, then you will receive the raw material as soon as it appears on sale. At the moment, deliveries of 20% have already been made and the raw material is practically unavailable: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/100243/cannabis-flos-thc-20-cbd-1-aurora-marihuana-lecznicza-medyczna/apteki We are waiting for information about further deliveries of this dried herb. Currently, it is known that in the second half of June this year Aurora 20% THC variety Pink Kush will be available: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/119768/cannabis-flos-thc-20-cbd-1-aurora-pink-kush-marihuana-lecznicza-medyczna/apteki?pvid=279313#news

Ujkoip (Anonymous, 77.23.191.) 17 months ago

You have to book.. Unfortunately:/

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