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Reni  (Anonymous, 46.205.140.) Warszawa 14 months ago

How to use the drugs Tetracycline, Ulcamed, Emanera, Metronidazole, Helicogastrin and thyroid preparations together?

Hi, I got medication for helikobakter Tetracycline Ulcamed Helicogastrin Metronidazole Emanera I take them in this order Tetracycline 5-9-13-17 Ulcamed 6-10-14-18 Helicogastrin 6-19 Metronidazole 9-13-17 Emanera 11-19 I take thyroid medication about what I can take it or with what drug together and whether I wrote the dosage well thank you

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

The combined dosage regimen of the drugs Tetracycline, Ulcamed, Emanera is described in the opinion: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/55162/mesopral-jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-leki-tetracyklinum-ulcamed-mesopral-i-metron The Mesopral described above is equivalent to Emanera. Helicogastrin can be used 1 time per day in the middle of the day, between portions of the antibiotic. I enclose a link to check the availability of the preparation and its order: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/112638/helicogastrin-kapsulki/apteki Metronidazole should be used regardless of meals, 3 times a day at regular intervals (every 8h). It can be used together, e.g. with Tetracycline. What thyroid medications do you use? When using drugs with Levothyroxine (eg Letrox, Euthyrox), it is recommended to use them in the morning on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to keep a distance from drugs that reduce the secretion of stomach acid (eg Emanera). It is possible that Ulcamed may be used together with Levothyroxine. However, due to the possibility of interactions not described in the literature, e.g. between excipients, I encourage you to take the drug with Levothyroxine earlier, so as to maintain at least a 30-minute interval from other drugs. I encourage you to read additional materials that may be useful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-helicobacter-pylori https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-mozna-laczyc-leki-ze-soba https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-laczyc-leki-z-jedzeniem

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