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Agata (Anonymous, 83.25.178.) Warszawa 16 months ago

Can Alopexy and Vichy Dercos Aminexil ampoules be used alternately?

Is it possible to use Alopexy and Vichy Dercos Aminexil ampoules alternately, e.g. Alopexy in the morning, Vichy in the evening? Or one day Alpoexy and the other Vichy? And if it is not possible to use them alternately, then from which preparation to start the treatment of excessive hair loss?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

Alopexy and Vichy Dercos Aminexil ampoules are two different products, with different composition and mechanism of action. There are no contraindications to the use of both preparations at the same time, but it is not recommended to use them alternately on the same day. If you bought medicines yourself in a pharmacy, please read the leaflets and follow the recommendations contained in them before use. If you want to start treating excessive hair loss, it is worth consulting a dermatologist who will help diagnose the cause of the problem and recommend appropriate treatment. I enclose a link to a page where you can compare the prices of these preparations in online pharmacies and place an order with home delivery or collection at the nearest stationary pharmacy: Alopexy: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/3821/alopexy-plyn/apteki Vichy Dercos Aminexil: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/93142/vichy-dercos-aminexil-clinical-5-kuracja-przeciw-wypadaniu-wlosow-dla-kobiet-plyn/apteki

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