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lilka (Anonymous, 91.231.124.) Warszawa 16 months ago

Can I be pregnant if my ovaries hurt and I was 5 hours late with taking a pill once?
19.99 zł

If I finish the second pack of pills soon, on Saturday I was late for the only time with taking the tablet by 5 hours and today with my boyfriend there was intercourse, is there a possibility that I got pregnant? Since the morning my ovaries hurt and intercourse occurred in the afternoon, I hope that it is for the approaching period, and I am not able to determine whether I have ovulation that can happen

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

Being 5 hours late does not affect the effectiveness of the tablets. Protection is maintained. Symptoms may indicate impending withdrawal bleeding. Because you used the drug correctly, ovulation was inhibited and the risk of a possible pregnancy is about 1%. If you still have any doubts, you can do a home pregnancy test, which you will buy at the pharmacy. The ultrasensitive test already detects a possible pregnancy after 7-10 days after intercourse. Tests of this type can be purchased at pharmacies. Here you will compare the prices of sample tests and you can order the test with home delivery or collection at the pharmacy: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/97388/domowe-laboratorium-pink-test-ciazowy-strumieniowy-super-czuly-test/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/91349/domowe-laboratorium-pink-test-ciazowy-plytkowy-super-czuly-test/apteki I attach links to helpful entries: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/32449/atywia-czy-po-tygodniu-stosowania-tabletki-antykoncepcyjne-sa-w-100-skuteczne https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-prawidlowo-stosowac-antykoncepcje

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