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Karina (Anonymous, 5.173.30.) Warszawa 18 months ago

Why is the smell from the vagina unbearable if I am cured?

2 years ago I had a fungal infection that was cured (the swab showed so). Unfortunately, since then I have had a problem with the smell of intimate places, which is simply disgusting. I am also a carrier of streptococcus, single colonies were found in the smear. I would like to add that I treated mycosis with fluconazole for 6 months orally. I went to the gynecologist several times, but I did not receive any advice. I'm cured, but the smell is unbearable...

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

18 months ago

The smell from the intimate areas is quite individual - if only because of the content of pheromones, secretion of sweat glands or hygiene habits (both lack of hygiene and its excess can be unfavorable). However, even a healthy vagina is not completely odorless. Normal vaginal discharge has an acidic reaction with the right amount of lactobacilli - the "healthy" smell of the vagina is therefore referred to as "acidic-milky", while its character should be "neutral", "mild". I can provide such information from a pharmaceutical point of view with an indication that it is worth taking care of the proper vaginal microflora, for example with the use of gynecological probiotics: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/probiotyki-ginekologiczne However, the direct cause of the smell, which in your opinion is "unbearable", should be sought in cooperation with a gynecologist. I enclose answers to similar questions, in which you will find more information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/94802/zazywalam-przez-6-dni-antybiotyk-azimycin-dzisiaj-zazylam-ostatn https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/52587/lactovaginal-co-pomaga-na-nieprzyjemny-zapach-z-pochwy https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/90670/domowe-laboratorium-czy-mozliwe-ze-moj-problem-to-zbyt-duzo-paleczek-kwasu-mlekowego-w-pochwie

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