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Betixa (Anonymous, 164.127.202.) Warszawa 17 months ago

I have depression, which manifests itself m.in a lack of energy and concentration. It's hard for me to read a whole book or watch a movie. What to do to make it pass?

I have so that if there is too much to read, I give up reading it, once I loved to read books, now I would not be able to do it. I have the same with YouTube videos, for example, the longer they last, the less power I have to watch them. This is due to depression, specifically its two symptoms - lack of energy and lack of concentration. How can I get over it?

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Barbara Kołodziejska Pharmacist

17 months ago

Treatment of depression is a long and complicated process, and its course depends m.in on the individual characteristics of the patient and the symptoms of the disease. The persons competent to provide help are a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist.

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