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Zbigniew Kubiak  (Anonymous, 37.225.26.) Warszawa 18 months ago

Does Creon Travix help with elevated sugar in the body?

Does Kreon Trawix help with elevated sugar in the body

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Barbara Kołodziejska Pharmacist

18 months ago

No, Kreon Travix is a medicinal product that contains digestive enzymes (lipase, amylase and protease, known as "pancreatin"). These substances are involved in the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, so Creon should be used during a meal or immediately after. In the body, these enzymes are naturally produced by the pancreas. Their supplementation is indicated in people who, for various reasons, have inhibited / weakened secretory functions of this organ. Insulin and glucagon are responsible for regulating sugar levels. These hormones are secreted in another part of the pancreas and, unlike digestive enzymes, which act locally (they are secreted into the duodenum - the first section of the small intestine), they are transported to the tissues of the whole body. Herbal preparations that can help regulate sugar levels are described in the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/ziola-na-cukrzyce All listed products can be ordered at the selected pharmacy via the GdziePoLek portal, using the option of on-site collection or delivery to the address. In the prevention of diabetes, the key role is played by the use of a balanced diet (m.in. avoiding products with a high glycemic index) as well as physical exercise (it has been proven that sport helps to "sensitize" cells to glucose = reduce blood sugar levels).

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