Profimed, opinions and questions

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We make every effort to ensure that our answers best reflect the state of modern medical knowledge. However, they are not a substitute for medical or pharmaceutical consultation. All product names given in the answers are examples and do not constitute a form of advertising.


Below listed are products assigned to this topic1.

Frida Baby Windi

przyrząd, 10 sztuk

Wyrób medyczny

in 44% pharmacies

from 29.99 zł

NoseFrida aspirator do nosa

przyrząd, 1 sztuka

Wyrób medyczny

in 25% pharmacies

from 20.99 zł

NoseFrida spray do nosa

aerozol, 20 mililitrów = 280 dawek

Wyrób medyczny

in 1% pharmacies

from 12.80 zł

NoseFrida filtry do aspiratora

inne, 10 filtrów

Wyrób medyczny

in 11% pharmacies

from 8.99 zł

1 products are assigned to topic by our editors, among whom are pharmacists. Producers have no influence on composition or order of the list. If you see that some product is missing, contact us.


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