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Perła (Anonymous, 5.174.74.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can Cervarix help me?

The gynecologist offered and issued me a prescription for the cervarix vaccine, Can this vaccine be reimbursed? I am 34 years old, a year ago I had cervical dysplasia of 3 degree and a cut piece with changes. Can this vaccine really help in my case? Would 4 or 9 valents be better, e.g. Gardasil

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Cervarix is on the list of reimbursable medicines and can be prescribed at a discount "for all registered indications as of the date of the decision". According to the documentation of the drug, these indications say that Cervarix is a vaccine used in people from the age of 9 intended for the prevention of precancerous lesions of the genital organs and anus (cervix, vulva, vagina and anus) as well as cervical cancer and cancer causally associated with specific oncogenic types of human papillomavirus (HPV). It is optimal to get vaccinated before the start of sexual life, that is, before potential infection with papillomaviruses, which can contribute to cancer in the cervix. The vaccine does not cure an already existing papillomavirus infection. Your age and the presented history of dysplastic changes are not a contraindication to vaccination - it is also increasingly said that patients of all ages can benefit from vaccination. The analysis of benefits was apparently made by the doctor proposing your preparation. The HPV virus can be detected in a suitable study - the material is a swab from the genital tract. Individual vaccines differ in the number of types of virus they protect against, but also in price. I enclose additional information about the Cervarix vaccine - prescription drugs can be booked at WherePoLek and collected stationary upon presentation of a prescription: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/16807/cervarix-iniekcja/apteki/w-warszawie More information can be found here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-zaszczepic-sie-przeciwko-hpv

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