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Karolina (Anonymous, 83.26.211.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Are there better preparations than Ogestan 4000, e.g. Fertistim?

Good morning, I have PCOS, the doctor prescribed the supplement Ogestan 4000 (inositol). Are there better working preparations, e.g. Fertistim? Is it possible to change the preparation without consulting a doctor?

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Ania (Anonymous, 188.146.114.) 12 months ago

Hello, I want to inform everyone that slightly gestan inositol, which is so difficult to buy in Poland, was, as the latest information says, withdrawn from production because it contained galosan from the group of tannins banned in production, in return you can ask the attending physician, he can prescribe inofolic kombi, which does not have galosan in the composition, and besides, the composition is identical to how it was in oggestan inositol greetings

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

The efficacy of Inositol in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has been confirmed in clinical broadcasts. Taking inositol at a dose of 2000-4000mg reduces fasting glucose and insulin levels (insulin resistance). This effectiveness is comparable to metformin, but with fewer side effects. It is difficult for an outsider to assess which of the preparations will be more effective in this particular case. However, it should be noted that Ogestan 4000 contains a high dose of inositol - 4g, and Fertistim contains this amount in 2 portions. The other vitamin components of the Fertistim supplement will not have such a big impact on PCOS. I enclose a link to the page where you can compare the prices of preparations in online pharmacies and place an order with home delivery or collection at the nearest stationary pharmacy: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/115761/ogestan-inozytol-4000-proszek-do-wytworzenia-plynu/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/104465/fertistim-dla-kobiet-proszek-do-wytworzenia-plynu/apteki I also encourage you to read the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/wspomaganie-plodnosci

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