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Mała (Anonymous, 78.88.41.) Warszawa 1 year ago

Can I test for H.pyroli from feces using globules and vaginal cream?

I take globules and vaginal creams. I need to do a fecal test for the helicobacter pyroli antigen. Won't this affect the wyn ik study. Is it necessary to discontinue the use of the w/ w medications

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

17 days ago

To @karolkawilczynska@gmail.com:

Bacterial vaginal globules have no proven effect on the results of blood and stool tests for the presence of Helicobacter pylori. Serological, respiratory and fecal tests assess various aspects of H. pylori infection and should not be interfered with by the use of vaginal preparations. If you have any doubts about the test results, it is recommended to consult your doctor, who can suggest further diagnostic steps.

karolkawilczynska@gmail.com  (Anonymous, 5.173.19.) 17 days ago

Do bacterial vaginal globules affect the results of blood and stool tests for Helicobacter pylori?

Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Most vaginal globules and creams act locally, do not penetrate significantly into the bloodstream and do not affect the result of the stool examination.

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