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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Fass (Anonymous, 92.43.32.) Polska 2 years ago

If Sublivac is available for 'target import', is there a chance to bring this medicine to Wrocław?

If this drug is available in the "target import" and in foreign pharmacies it can be bought normally, is there a chance to bring this drug to Wroclaw? What would be the cost of such a drug, if so far the price has oscillated around PLN 500-600? Unfortunately, the manufacturer of the drug Staloral has left patients without the drug and we are looking for alternatives.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

This medicine has the status of "target import" and is not available in any other form. Electronic documents and a simplified order scheme have also been in force for almost a year due to the pandemic. You may not be aware that your doctor is issuing you a prescription in targeted import mode.

Michał (Anonymous, 89.64.45.) 1 year ago

I use the drug Sublivac cat, which in a few pharmacies is available on the basis of a prescription alone. Why can the rest of the pharmacies only import it as part of a targeted import?

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Yes, there is such a possibility. The target import procedure consists in importing products from abroad that are not allowed to be marketed in Poland. This requires, in addition to issuing a prescription, filling out a demand form, which is submitted to the Ministry of Health. As for the price, it depends on the consent of the Ministry of Health for the reimbursement of the drug in a particular case, so it is difficult to estimate at this stage. Detailed information can be provided by the pharmacy that will import the drug. We wrote more about this here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/import-docelowy-jak-sprowadzic-lek-z-zagranicy

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