Welcome to licensed pharmacies in Poland:

Non-prescription medicines delivery across Europe.

Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.


Warszawa 2 years ago

When will Adderall be sold in Pharmacies in Poland?

Good morning. He suffers from ADHD and OCD spectrum. In my case, MPH did not check ... Do you have information about a drug called addreal, which is amphetamine salts? I mean mainly when the drug will be sold in Poland in pharmacies and not as a target import? Best regards

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Takeda replied that there are currently no plans to launch the sale of Adderall in Poland and this should not be expected to change in the near future.

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Adderall is not even registered in Poland at the moment, hence the need to apply for target import. In this situation, you can not expect a quick appearance of the drug in Polish pharmacies, because the registration of the product is a necessary beginning. We do not have information about the plans of the entity responsible for Adderall, but I have sent such an inquiry to the company that has this preparation in its portfolio. If there is a reply, I will post it in this thread. I enclose information that may be useful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/import-docelowy-jak-sprowadzic-lek-z-zagranicy https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/adhd https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/adhd-choroba-czy-wymysl

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