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Ewa99 (Anonymous, 95.41.50.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Do Neurovit injections or tablets work better?

Do Neurovit injections or tablets work better?

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Neurovit (tablets) and Neurovit Fast (intramuscular injections) differ in dosage, indications for use and dosage method. In the case of tablets, indications are supportive treatment in peripheral nerve diseases of various origins, such as polyneuropathy, neuralgia and peripheral neuritis, and in the case of injection, clinical and subclinical vitamin B deficiency treatment and supportive treatment of polyneuropathy of various etiologies (e.g. neuropathic pain in diabetic or alcoholic polyneuropathy), neuritis and neuralgia (e.g. radicular syndrome caused by degenerative spine disease, lumbar syndrome, sciatica). Injections from Neurovit fast are used during moderate to severe pain, several times a week or daily. Neurovit in the form of tablets is dosed daily in the amount prescribed by the doctor. Neurovit fast should be used no longer than necessary, and after the end of use, the injections can be replaced with tablets containing vitamins of group B. Both tablet and injection therapy should not last more than 4 weeks, after which the doctor decides on further treatment. In conclusion, the preparations differ in dosage, form, indications for use and dosage method. The choice of the form of administration depends on the patient's medical condition. The assessment of which preparation will be better for a particular patient is decided by the specialist prescribing the drug. I attach information on both drugs: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/52990/neurovit-tabletki-powlekane/ulotka/9520 https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/92324/neurovit-fast-iniekcja/ulotka/230416

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