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S. (Anonymous, 31.60.80.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Can I take 2 tablets of 20 mg instead of one Emanera 40 mg tablet?

Good morning, I found myself in a sub-goal situation and I ask for urgent help. I take Emanera 40 mg all the time before breakfast and 20 mg before dinner-due to reflux disease. The last time I visited the check-up, the attending physician probably mistakenly discharged me not enough packs of the drug at a dose of 40 mg. Due to the fact that I realized yesterday before breakfast, when I had nothing to take (I was sure I had more packages, but nevertheless did not find) -I immediately contacted him to issue a new prescription. However, today is the second day when I do not have the drug, and it turned out that I still have a few blisters of the dose of 20 mg. In view of this situation, can I exceptionally take 2 capsules of 20 mg before breakfast so that the dose agrees? Isn't that very much? I would not want to harm myself and, for example, overdose or anything else, and therefore I prefer to ask. Thanks in advance for your help!

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Tak, jak najbardziej - jeśli posiada Pani w domu lek Emanera 20 mg, to do czasu otrzymania recepty na dawkę 40 mg, może Pani zażywać 2 tabletki po 20 mg.

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