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Agnesa (Anonymous, 93.70.70.) Warszawa 3 days ago

Can Differin cream interfere with fertility?

Save I am a 20' girl, I use Differin cream for reeds on my face, I wanted to know when I finish the treatment, can I get pregnant or does it affect fertility. Because I had read reproductive toxicity.

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

1 day ago

The active substance contained in the cream is toxic to the foetus only if high doses are administered orally. External use does not have such an effect; The risk of accumulation in the body and related fertility disorders has also not been demonstrated.

Information contained in the summary of product characteristics:

'Clinical studies on topical adapalene (Differin) in
of pregnant women are limited, but the limited amount of data available does not indicate harmful effects on pregnancy or foetal health in early pregnancy. Due to limited data and the potential for very limited penetration of adapalene into the body, Differin should not be used during pregnancy. If pregnancy occurs, treatment should be discontinued. "

There are no obstacles to start trying for a baby after the end of treatment.

When using Differin cream, protect the skin from UV rays.

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