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Klaudia  (Anonymous, 37.31.146.) Warszawa 6 days ago

How long after ingestion does the active ingredient of Livopill last in the body?
22.00 zł

Hello, how long do hormones last in the body after taking a livopril pill?
How long does it stay in the body?

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Aleksandra Kowalczyk Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

The maximum concentration of levonorgestrel in Livopill is observed approximately 2 hours after taking the tablet. After this time, the plasma concentration of the drug begins to decrease. The average half-life, i.e. the time it takes for half of the dose taken to be removed from the body, is about 26 hours. This means that after taking a dose of 1500 micrograms, after 26 hours 750 micrograms of the substance will remain in the body, after another 26 - 375 micrograms, etc., until the drug is completely removed from the body. About 6-7 days after taking the preparation, the concentration of the hormone drops to a level that should no longer be important in the context of taking other drugs.

Please also take into account the fact that every body is different, so both the average half-life of the drug and the time after which it will be completely removed from the body may vary slightly from one patient to another.

Take the tablet as soon as possible - preferably within 12 hours and no later than 72 hours after intercourse.

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