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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Людмила (Anonymous, 82.131.94.) Warszawa 6 days ago

Can opipramol cause urination disorders? How long does it take for them to subside?

When taking opipram, urinary disorders began. I really want to go to the toilet, but when you want it, there is no relief... This is a side effect and when will it pass?

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

4 days ago

I understand that it is the active substance "opipramol". If so, please read on. Urinary disorders and urinary retention have been observed uncommonly with opipramol preparations. Each body reacts differently to the medications used, so it is difficult to precisely determine whether the observed symptoms will disappear or how long they will last. If the described symptoms are severe and do not go away, they should be reported to a doctor, who will recommend appropriate treatment, e.g. modification of therapy. Adverse reactions should also be reported individually. You can read about how and why to report side effects here:


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