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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Arek (Anonymous, 188.146.144.) Warszawa 6 days ago

Hello, I recently bought halitomin tablets, on the tablets I will see...
9.99 zł
10.00 zł

Hello, I recently bought halitomin tablets, on the tablets I saw something that resembles small hairs. I haven't seen this before, even though I've already used these pills. Is it possible for the pills to be defective? I checked 2 packs and it is exactly the same. Attached is a photo

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

The "small hairs" you have noticed on the surface of Halitomin tablets can be the result of several factors, including:

Crystallization phenomenon: Some ingredients, such as zinc in the form of gluconate, can form crystals on the surface of tablets, as a result of changes in temperature or humidity.

Presence of anti-caking agents: Halitomin contains substances such as silicon dioxide and talc, which can sometimes form tiny crystals as a result of technological processes or storage.

Contamination: If the tablets have been poorly stored or have come into contact with impurities, this can lead to the appearance of unwanted crystals.
If you notice anything disturbing in the appearance of the pills, it is recommended not to consume them and contact the pharmacy to report the problem and get further instructions.

We wrote more about it here:


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