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Warszawa 7 days ago

Will I get pregnant with Duphaston if I'm in the luteal phase of the cycle right now?
9.99 zł

Hello, today I was at the gynaecologist's because I am trying to have a baby with my husband, I will add that since 15.07.24 I have had my period and to this day it is gone, today I went to the doctor about it on 19.09.24 and the doctor told me that there is a lutein phase, that it is about 4.5 cm or something like that, that after ovulation, and I will add that I ovulated on 9.09.24 for 2 days and during this time I would have sex every day and the doctor prescribed me duphaston3x1 tabl Does it mean that I will probably get pregnant

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

6 days ago

The drug itself will not make you pregnant, but it will increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

Most likely, the doctor said that the endometrium is 4.5 mm - that is, he gave Duphaston to thicken the endometrium (lining of the uterus) - Duphaston promotes the development of the endometrium in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, preparing the uterus for possible fertilization.

Duphaston is usually prescribed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, i.e. in the luteal phase. So the drug can help you get pregnant if your problems are related to progesterone deficiency; It also makes it easier to maintain pregnancy.

However, it does not guarantee that you will get pregnant.

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