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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Kasia (Anonymous, 83.22.32.) Warszawa 7 days ago

Will a contraceptive ring used for a month disrupt the cycle? Do I need to do any tests beforehand?
9.99 zł

Hello, can I use the disc only for one month? I have regular periods and I wonder if such a short use can adversely affect the cycle? Should additional tests be performed before using the disc?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

7 days ago

Hormonal contraception in the first 2-4 months of use very often causes cycle control disorders. Patients most often observe spotting and mid-cycle bleeding. After stopping use, you may observe for a while, for example, a change in the length of your cycle or a delay in the onset of menstruation.

Hormonal contraception can only be obtained with a prescription from a doctor. Before starting use, the doctor usually orders basic gynecological examinations and blood tests to rule out possible contraindications (such as abnormal image of the reproductive organs or liver function disorders).

For more information:



In case of any doubts, I encourage you to use the teleconsultation with a gynaecologist - the service is available on our website in the e-visit tab:


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