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Annaa (Anonymous, 91.222.127.) Janki 7 days ago

Can 2BeSlim disrupt the cycle and with which medications to induce menstruation?
35.00 zł

I am 40 years old. I used to have regular menstruation once a month. I started taking 2Be Slim diet pills at the end of July, and then I didn’t have my menstruation in September. Now my menstruation has been delayed for 12 days. I have ruled out pregnancy. I think it may be related to the diet pills. I have stopped taking diet pills. What medicine should I take now to make my menstruation come, but this medicine will not have the side effect of gaining weight after taking it!

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

7 days ago

The ingredients contained in the 2BeSlim product are herbal extracts and vitamins that should not affect cycle disorders (or at least the manufacturer of the preparation does not indicate the risk of this type of side effects). Medicines used to normalise menstruation are obtained with a doctor's prescription. Analyzing the whole situation, it is advisable to check with a gynaecologist and perform tests to rule out hormonal causes of the described disorders. Excessive weight reduction combined with intense physical exercise can also lead to menstrual cycle disorders, so it is worth analyzing all the potential causes of this problem.

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