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Kaha (Anonymous, 109.196.224.) Warszawa 7 days ago

Can I be pregnant?
9.99 zł

Hello, today I received the results, I was supposed to do it to check if it is still suitable to get pregnant, here I got the results and I don't know how to take it to the doctors, I have it in 2 weeks, can I ask for some advice, I see that htg is 0.5, can it mean pregnancy or will the pregnancy test come out waiting

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

7 days ago

The attached results indicate that you are not pregnant.

During the examination, you were probably in the follicular phase of the cycle, i.e. before ovulation and fertile days.

The AMH (ovarian reserve test) result is quite low (0.17 ng/ml), which may be associated with reduced fertility. However, usually only results below 1.0 ng/ml indicate premature loss of ovarian function. AMH norms depend on the age of the woman. The result should be consulted with a doctor, who will interpret it taking into account your age and health condition.

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