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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Henryk (Anonymous, 83.22.185.) Warszawa 12 days ago

Should the Anusir Clean foam be rinsed off?

The proctologist recommends waiting for the foam to dry after application, the instructions say wash it off, it will be thoroughly done. What is right?

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

9 days ago

Anusir is a foam that helps to maintain hygiene of the delicate areas around the stoma and anal area, it also supports healing and soothes inflammation. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the foam should be used to wash the selected area and then rinse it. Based on his clinical knowledge, the doctor may recommend a different use of the preparation than the one indicated by the manufacturer. If the specialist has specifically advised you not to rinse the preparation, follow the instructions provided. If you have any further doubts about the handling of Anusir foam, you should clarify them with the specialist who recommended the use of the preparation.

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