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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Nina (Anonymous, 176.201.134.) Warszawa 21 days ago

What happens if I missed a dose of Zafrilla?

I use zafrilla to adjust my cycle but I forgot to take it for 24 hours, what happens?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

18 days ago

Zafrilla is a medicine mainly used to treat endometriosis, containing the progestin dienogest. It is recommended that you take one tablet a day at the same time, regardless of the occurrence of bleeding. If you have forgotten to take Zafrilla on a particular day, there is no need to panic, but it is important to take the missed dose as soon as possible, unless it is almost time for the next one. If this occurs, skip the missed dose and return to your regular dosing schedule.

If missed doses happen frequently, it may affect the effectiveness of the treatment and the stability of the menstrual cycle, which can lead to abnormal bleeding. After stopping Zafrilla, your menstrual cycle should return to normal within two months. If you experience any disturbing symptoms or doubts, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

If you need more personalized advice, you can use teleconsultations here:


The availability of Zafrilla in pharmacies in Polish can be checked at the following address:


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