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kasia0617@wp.pl (Anonymous, 37.225.82.) Warszawa 23 days ago

How to check if I have paroxysmal tachocardia caused by neurosis in ...
9.99 zł

How to check if I have paroxysmal tachocardia caused by neurosis in October last year I had a few bouts of strong heartbeat, heart rate130, I take concor2.5, recently I started drinking molasses and it's a little better, but all the time I feel how my heart is working, is it normal that I feel while sitting or lying down, how my heart is beating, without putting my hand to the sternum..

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

23 days ago

Yes, it is normal for you to feel your heart beating when you focus on it.
To find out what is the cause of tachycardia, you should first refer to your family doctor. If your GP deems it justified, he or she will refer you to a cardiologist. It may be worth performing, for example, a Holter - this test will allow you to check how the heart rhythm changes during the day.

If you are concerned that neurosis may be the cause, it is worth consulting a psychologist or, if necessary, a psychiatrist. More here:


An introduction to further diagnostics may be a teleconsultation, e.g. here:


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