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Zdzich (Anonymous, 5.184.226.) Warszawa 24 days ago

Are the days close to menstruation infertile days?
9.99 zł

Hello, on 1.09.24r I had sex with a girl in a condom, but at the end I noticed that the condom slipped halfway down the penis, on the penis where there was no condom there were drops of either the girl's mucus or pre-yaculate. The girl is supposed to get her menstruation from the menstruation calculator on 3.09.24. The girl usually has regular periods.

1. Are the days close to menstruation infertile days? 2. What is the real chance in your opinion that you will get pregnant in this case?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

24 days ago

1. Are the days close to menstruation infertile days?

Days close to menstruation, especially a few days before it occurs, are usually considered infertile days. Ovulation, the time of greatest fertility, occurs about 14 days before the start of menstruation. With a regular menstrual cycle that lasts 28 days, your fertile days fall between about the 12th and 16th day of your cycle. Therefore, if menstruation is to start on September 3, the fertile days should fall at the end of August, and close to the menstrual period, the chances of getting pregnant are much lower.

2. What is the real chance of getting pregnant in this case?

The real chance of getting pregnant in the described case is relatively low, because the intercourse took place close to the date of menstruation. If the condom has slipped off and there are droplets of mucus or prejaculum on the penis. The possibility of conception is minimal, especially if the girl has regular cycles and menstruation is about to start. Sperm can survive in a woman's genital tract for several days, but in this case, given the menstrual cycle, the probability of pregnancy is low.

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