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Kasia (Anonymous, 188.147.72.) Szczecin 31 days ago

At what intervals should Muconasin and Narivent be taken?
9.99 zł

I have prescribed Muconasin and Narivent. Take both three times a day. So which one is the first? And at what intervals should you take one after the other?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

31 days ago

Muconasin and Narivent are two different formulations used to treat nasopharyngeal problems.

Muconasin is a nasal spray containing N-acetylcysteine that helps in liquefying thick secretions and clearing the nose. It should be used first because it helps prepare the nose for further treatment.


Narivent is an aerosol with anti-swelling and anti-inflammatory properties. It should be used after Muconasin to relieve swelling and inflammation.


It is recommended to use Muconasin followed by Narivent with an interval of about 10-15 minutes between applications. Such an interval will allow for better absorption of both preparations and their more effective action.

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