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Ania  (Anonymous, 31.11.209.) Warszawa 44 days ago

Why do I have frequent, strong spotting with the second Mirena pad?

Hello. I have the mirena cartridge 2 times the first time everything ok zero period . After putting on 2 pads where it was 3 years ago, a year ago strong and very frequent spotting appeared. I went to the doctor, he said everything was ok. I got the patches and later the pills. And the spotting is last for 2 weeks, and comes back every 5.6 weeks

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

40 days ago

Frequent and intense spotting after the Mirena IUD may be the result of hormonal changes related to its operation. Although spotting is common in the first months of use, its long-term nature, as in your case, may require further evaluation.

I encourage you to consult your doctor to rule out other potential causes, such as polyps or fibroids, and to consider possible changes in your contraceptive method or hormonal treatment. Monitoring symptoms and documenting them can be helpful in further diagnosis.

If you have doubts about this situation, it is always worth consulting a doctor who can provide more personalized advice. If you are not able to make a face-to-face visit, I attach a link to the online teleconsultation:


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