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Wioletta (Anonymous, 109.199.11.) Warszawa 48 days ago

Can Sedam, Seroxat, Telmizek, Betaloc ZOK or Tertensif affect the conduction system of the heart in left bundle branch block?
9.99 zł
10.00 zł

Hello. I was diagnosed with left bundle branch block.I have been prescribed Sedam and Seroxat from a psychiatrist. I have a question whether these drugs have an effect on the conduction system. No MS inflammation, infarction or ischemia, which are the most common cause of LBBB, was found. I also use Telmizek 40mg, Betaloc 50mg, Tertensir (for hypertension and paroxysmal palpitations).

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

47 days ago

Left bundle branch block (LBBB) is a conduction disorder that can be caused by various factors, but in this case no inflammation, infarction or ischemia has been found.

The medications you take, including Seroxat (paroxetine) and Sedam (alprazolam), do not directly affect the heart's conduction system, but they can affect the heart rhythm. Telmizek (telmisartan) and Betaloc ZOK (metoprolol), which you are taking for hypertension, can affect heart rate, but their effect on LBBB is limited. It is important to consult your doctor regularly to monitor your health and any drug interactions.

If you need more personalized advice, you can use teleconsultations here:


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